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Since 2021
Graduate School of Culture Technology at KAIST


The TX Lab, Total Experience Creative Media Lab, led by Professor Dr. Jinjoon Lee who is an artist and scholar, is a group of technical creators, creative technicians, and critical interpreters.


The TX creative media lab explores in-between spaces, that aren’t anywhere but exist somewhere. Since every linear life goes through essential passages, such as birth or death, the TX lab captures these in-between moments from personal journeys and expands those historical experiences universally relatable through media and technology. By blurring the boundaries between the individual and collective experiences, the lab delves into the borderline of overlapping worlds : gardens, nature and manufactured city, one culture to another, reality and virtuality, analog and digital. Moving between multiple worlds, the TX lab creatively utilizes technology - which shifts us to liminal spaces and complicates our experiences - to explore multiple senses and condense them into a single experience. 

‘TX’ represents ‘Total eXperience’, implying that the lab explores our all-encompassing encounters in the technology-driven era, where we navigate intricate webs of information using our five physical senses. The lab investigates Data-Driven Design methodologies, including Data Visualization, Data Sonification, and Data Sculptures, to transform both mental and physical experiences with the environment into data. Through these methodologies, the TX lab also focuses on digital heritage, preserving Korea’s tangible and intangible cultural heritage based on ethnographic research. The lab is now looking forward to create the Future Opera, a performance appearing total experiences and multiple relationships on a single stage, in a moment.



TX GOLD (#FAAF11) & KAIST BLUE(#11448D) & OXFORD BLUE (#002147)

The ‘X’ in Total X (TX) refers to an unknown variable beyond experience, left undefined, symbolizing ambiguity. New media artists within the lab are divided into three creative groups, linked up throughout their expedition of the unknown. The first is the technical creators, responsible for designing and visualizing the experience using new mediums. The second is the creative technicians, providing the necessary technical foundation for the artwork. Lastly, the critical interpreters focus on identifying aesthetics in the work based on humanistic and philosophical insights, wrapping up through text. 

Throughout their collaboration, the TX lab takes a holistic approach to media art. The focus is investigating liminal spaces through the study of total experiences engaging multi-sensory elements like sound, light, scent, and atmosphere. Alongside producing artistic works, the lab contribute to academic discourse through research in engineering and aesthetics.

Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology,
Graduate School of Culture Technology,
Total Experience Creative Media Lab